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Economic results

Choosen indicators of the company´s economic development.

( thousend. SKK )Achieved results
Production row61 91074 86268 49169 33882 99178 136
EBIT1 518618-3 1614 6955 1393 002
EBITDA2 3562 096-1 2616 8037 9906 240
Profit after tax856230-4 0613 3313 0891 084
Total assets16 88518 97225 47136 59843 20939 747
Equity1 415975-3 0862 5945 6836 767
Bank loans6 6935 4469 62010 81111 93810 685

The company is recorded in Register of Business Names on the Okresý súd Košice I, oddiel: Sro, vložka číslo: 2963/V.


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