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Worm gearboxes ZAP

Worm gearboxes ZAP

Application: Worm gearboxes type ZAP with motor, without motor are assigned for speed reduction of the input unit onto the input speed of the output unit by a constant ratio.

The use of these gearboxes is applicable at places where from their small size are required large gear ratios, smooth and silent running and a relatively large power output. The gearboxes can work in all positions.

Description:The gear ratio of the basic unit is executed through a worm gear. The gearboxes are delivered:

  • with motor and without motor
  • with single, double or hollow shaft
  • with feet, flanges or without them

Gearboxes with elektromotor are using a three phase asynchronous motor with a short-circuit armature, type 4AP or with a break 4APB, with IP 54 protection - closed with own surface cooling, model number IM 3681. The motor is usually delivered for voltage of 380 V/50 Hz. The housing and the feet are from grey-cast iron.

Performance data

P1 0,04-0,18 0,014-0,25 0,06-0,37 0,18-1,1 0,37-1,5 0,55-3,0
u 10-50 10-60 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-80
n2 20-130 10-132 8,7-144 8,9-145 8,2-141 8,7-138
Mk2 13-19 23-36 31-51 56-100 111-203 221-404

The gearboxes are produced in six size a=32, 40, 50, 63, 80 a 100 mm
P1 - transfered power on the gearbox (kW)
u - gear ratio of the basic unit
n2 - output speed of the basic unit (min-1)
Mk2 - torgue on the output shaft of the basic unit (Nm)

The company is recorded in Register of Business Names on the Okresý súd Košice I, oddiel: Sro, vložka číslo: 2963/V.


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